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  • Veidehi Gite wrote a new post 7 years, 4 months ago · 

    Folketinget, The Danish Parliament

    Folketinget, is the name of Denmark’s parliament, that holds the legislative power in Denmark. Not to mention, it has been holding this power since the birth of the Danish […]

  • Veidehi Gite wrote a new post 7 years, 4 months ago · 

    Tivoli Gardens, The Danish Disneyland

    With 5mn visitors in 2015, Tivoli stands out as the 2nd most popular theme park in the world, the most-visited theme park in Scandinavia, and the 4th most-visited in […]

  • Veidehi Gite wrote a new post 7 years, 4 months ago · 

    Danish Christiansborg Slot or Palace

    Let me start off by saying, that this marvellous Danish “Christiansborg Slot” is a palace turned government building on the island of Slotsholmen in central Copenhagen. The […]

Veidehi Gite

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